Function graphics::triangulation::stream_quad_tri_list [] [src]

pub fn stream_quad_tri_list<E, F>(m: Matrix2d, quad_edge: E, f: F) where E: FnMut() -> Option<(Vec2d, Vec2d)>, F: FnMut(&[f32])

Streams a quad into tri list.

Uses buffers that fit inside L1 cache. The 'quad_edge' stream returns two points defining the next edge.

quad_edge is a function that returns two vertices, which together comprise one edge of a quad

f is a function that consumes the tri list constructed by the output of quad_edge, one chunk (buffer) at a time

The tri list is series of buffers (fixed size array) of the format:

//     [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... y5, ...]
//      ^--------------------^  ^------------^
//        3 Points of triangle   3 points of second triangle,
//      ^------------------------------------^          __
//         Two triangles together form a single quad |\\ 2|
//                                                   |1\\ |
//                                                   |__\\|

Together all the chunks comprise the full tri list. Each time the buffer size is reached, that chunk is fed to f, then this function proceeds using a new buffer until a call to quad_edge returns None, indicating there are no more edges left. (in which case the last partially filled buffer is sent to f)