Trait rayon::par_iter::reduce::ReduceOp [] [src]

pub trait ReduceOp<T>: Sync {
    fn start_value(&self) -> T;
    fn reduce(&self, value1: T, value2: T) -> T;

Specifies a "reduce operator". This is the combination of a start value and a reduce function. The reduce function takes two items and computes a reduced version. The start value S is a kind of "zero" or "identity" value that may be intermingled as needed; idealy, reduce(S, X) for any item X yields X.

Example: to sum up the values, use a start_value of 0 and a reduce function of reduce(a, b) = a + b.

The order in which the reduce function will be applied is not specified. For example, the input [ 0 1 2 ] might be reduced in a sequential fashion:

reduce(reduce(reduce(S, 0), 1), 2)

or it might be reduced in a tree-like way:

reduce(reduce(0, 1), reduce(S, 2))


Required Methods
