Trait wayland_client::Proxy [] [src]

pub trait Proxy {
    fn ptr(&self) -> *mut wl_proxy;
    fn interface() -> *mut wl_interface;
    fn interface_name() -> &'static str;
    fn version() -> u32;
    fn id(&self) -> ProxyId;
    unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut wl_proxy) -> Self;
    unsafe fn from_ptr_no_own(ptr: *mut wl_proxy) -> Self;
    fn set_evt_iterator(&mut self, iter: &EventIterator);

Required Methods

The internal name of this interface, as advertized by the registry if it is a global.

The maximum version of this interface handled by the library.

Get the id of this proxy

Creates a proxy from a fresh ptr

Creates a proxy from a ptr that is managed elsewhere

As opposed to from_ptr, this function will not try to set a listener/dispatcher for this proxy, and thus its events won't be available.

Set the event iterator associated to this proxy
